On October 19, 2022 MUST University attended the FAPSC Legislative Town Hall meeting hosted by Arizona College of Nursing in Tampa, Florida. FAPSC – Florida Association of Post Secondary Schools and Colleges organized this legislative town hall meeting with certain elected officials for their post secondary and private school members to help build a bridge between government officials and the schools. Following the inaugural speech by FAPSC President Sue Edwards, and welcoming remarks on behalf of Arizona College of Nursing Executive Director of Academic Operations – Kristine Furtaw, MBA; the meeting started mainly as a conversational venue between the elected officials and the more than 20 schools attending such meeting.
The main and key elected officials were Senator Ed Hooper from the State of Florida and Sandra Mortham – Former Florida Secretary of State (22nd), in which both of them expressed the importance for the schools to have a very close communication with the government officials such as them and other colleagues. Reason being for this is because, through this tight, inclusive and very transparent communications, between the schools and the elected officials, they not only know how to try and help build better regulations, bills and projects with the schools, but in the long run, it escalates to build a strong economy for the United States of America. “I truly thank FAPSC and Arizona College of Nursing for this event, as this is what we need, fluent communication between private schools and myself, aside from my colleges!; working together is how we build a strong future for us in America” – Senator Ed. Hooper.
After a very productive meeting, Senator Ed Hooper took the time to meet and greet with the attendees. MUST University represented by their Business Development Manager – Arturo E. Enamorado, had the opportunity to exchange some important information and express the interest of working very close together as an educational institution in Florida and the House Senate.
On behalf of FAPSC – their President – Sue Edwards congratulated the schools that made the effort to attend this important meeting. FAPSC will continue to create, promote and pursue these type of events, since, the government needs to see, and listen, first hand from these private schools the complete scenario, and the schools need to work consistently and cooperatively with the government to solidify a very competitive win-win situation, that will at the long run help the educational main goals, which is to educate the students, and create competitive professionals for the good of the country.
Afterwards, the host event – Arizona College of Nursing in Tampa, Florida, closed the event by offering a tour of the facilities to the visiting schools that attended this legislative town hall meeting.