The UNESCO World Conference on Higher Education (WHEC2022), initially scheduled for 2021, will take place next week from 18-20 May 2022 in Barcelona, ​​Spain. 

The global event aims to reformulate ideas and practices in higher education to ensure the sustainable development of the planet and humanity. 

Fernando Valenzuela Migoya – one of Latin America’s most influential leaders in education – will present through EDT & Partners, together with Mobile World Capital Barcelona, ​​the report “The Future of Higher Education” , an article that brings together relevant stakeholders in the higher education ecosystem and whose mission is to create a new vision for universities. 

“UNESCO and the institutions are looking for references that transform. 30 higher education cases will be presented and MUST University will be one of them. Prof. Antonio Carbonari, who heads the institution, has a legacy that needs to be shared. MUST University has relevant components, such as accelerating digital transformation, for the future of many universities”, declares the speaker and global education consultant.  

The new WHEC2022 timeline represents an opportunity to deepen and expand common knowledge production, policy dialogue, exchange and networking efforts.

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